Bozorda charm turlarini har tomonlama ko'rib chiqish | Silikon charm noyob ishlashi mavjud

Dunyo bo'ylab iste'molchilar charm buyumlar, ayniqsa charm avtomobil ichki, charm mebel va charm kiyimlarini afzal ko'rishadi. Yuqori qirrali va chiroyli material sifatida charm keng qo'llaniladi va doimiy joziba bor. However, due to the limited number of animal furs that can be processed and the need for animal protection, its output is far from meeting the various needs of humans. Ushbu fonga qarshi sintetik charla paydo bo'ldi. Synthetic leather can be divided into many types due to different materials, different types of substrates, different production processes, and different uses. Bu erda bozorda bir nechta umumiy terilarning inventarizatsiyasi.

Sof teridan

Haqiqiy charm hayvonlarning terisini poliuretan (PU) yoki akril qatronlari qatlami bilan qoplash orqali tayyorlanadi. Kontseptual ravishda u kimyoviy tolali materiallardan tayyorlangan sun'iy charmga nisbatan. The genuine leather mentioned in the market is generally one of the three types of leather: top layer leather, second layer leather, and synthetic leather, mainly cowhide. Asosiy xususiyatlar - bu nafas olish, qulay his-tuyg'u, kuchli qattiqlik; Kuchli hid, oson rangsiz, qiyin parvarish va oson gidroliz.

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PVC leather, also known as polyvinyl chloride artificial leather, is made by coating fabric with PVC, plasticizers, stabilizers and other additives, or by coating a layer of PVC film, and then processed through a certain process. Asosiy xususiyatlar oson ishlov berish, qarshilik, qarish qarshiligi va arzonligi; poor air permeability, hardening and brittle at low temperatures, and stickiness at high temperatures. The large-scale use of plasticizers harms the human body and causes serious pollution and odor, so it is gradually abandoned by people.


PU teri

Vegan teri



Silikon teri (yarim silikon)

Most of the semi-silicon products on the market are coated with a thin layer of silicone on the surface of solvent-free PU leather. Qattiq gapirish, bu pu charm, lekin kremniy qatlami qo'llanilgandan so'ng, terining qulayligi va suvbarlari kuchayadi, qolganlari hali ham pu xususiyatlari.

Silikon charm - bu teridan ko'ra charm kabi ko'rinadigan va o'zini charm kabi his qiladigan sintetik charm teri mahsulotidir. Odatda bu matodan iborat va 100% kremniy polimer bilan qoplangan. Ichki ikki xil silikon sintetik charm va silikon kauchuk sintetik charm mavjud. Silicone leather has the advantages of no odor, hydrolysis resistance, weather resistance, environmental protection, easy cleaning, high and low temperature resistance, acid, alkali and salt resistance, light resistance, heat aging resistance, yellowing resistance, bending resistance, disinfection, strong color fastness, etc. It can be used in outdoor furniture, yachts and ships, soft package decoration, car interior, public facilities, sports goods, medical equipment and other fields.


Teri juda ko'p ism, lekin asosan yuqoridagi materiallar. With the current increasingly stringent environmental pressure and the government's environmental monitoring efforts, leather innovation is also imperative. As a pioneer in the leather fabric industry, Quanshun Leather has been focusing on the research and production of environmentally friendly, healthy and natural silicone polymer fabrics for many years; the safety and durability of its products far exceed other similar products on the market, whether in terms of internal microstructure, appearance texture, physical properties, comfort, etc., they can be comparable to high-grade natural leather; and in terms of quality, functionality, etc., it has surpassed real leather and replaced its important market position.
Ishonamanki, kelajakda Quansonson charm iste'molchilarga ekologik toza, yuqori sifatli tabiiy charm matolar bilan ta'minlashi mumkin. Kutib turaylik!


Yuborilgan vaqt: 2024 yil 12-sentabr